Fallen (2006 TV Movie)
Feeling of relief when the DVD finally stopped.
8 February 2011
I watched this a few years ago and I just happened to come to this page and all i can remember about this series is how truly boring it was. I rarely remember bad films. I filter them out like boring days. Oddly though I remember how awfully dull this was. I knew it was going to be cheesy, I mean Angels and Demons and all that, but you never know with these things. You're always hoping it might be The Prophecy or maybe Constantine not great but good fun American Gothic. Fallen is just tedious all the way. Predictable generic characterization with a side order of poor stiff lifeless acting. You know those poor shows with lots of pointless meaningful poses and heartfelt nothings followed intensely lightweight and bad action. I vaguely remember one or two bits where you think oh this looks good and then .... oh no it's not. I force myself to watch it because I rented the series but I remember a feeling of relief when the DVD finally stopped. Like I said I don't remember bad films but it struck me odd that I remembered this feeling by the sense of relief I felt when it was over. Truly a bad one - you should watch it.
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