Sequel not equal, but still entertaining
11 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In 1978, an epic comedy film starring the Ramones, and not to mention the still beautiful PJ Soles, Rock N Roll High School was made. It centered around a young girl (Soles) and her dream to bring the Ramones to loosen up her uptight school. It worked, ending in Soles blowing up the school at the end.

Flash forward several years. Ronald Reagan High is led by an inept principal (Played in a too small of role by the great, late Larry Linville), and a celebration of Rock N' Roll High School day just happens to occur when a review board is on campus to over see the school.

Principal McGhee gets replaced by the cold hearted Dr. Vadar (played to perfection by b horror film star Mary Moronov). This time, instead of being led by the spunky Soles, the school is led by Jesse Davis (Feldman) who's band plays 1950's covers.

Jesse is joined by his band, Mag, Namrok, Jones, and Stella (Liane Curtis, who is frightening and sexy at the same time). Jesse and his band gets booted from being able to play the prom, and are replaced by a talentless band called zillion kisses. The squares are seemingly ahead when Jesse and the band vow to steal the prom. All the time this is going on, Jesse is trying to romance an attractive new teacher named Rita.

Goes without saying that in the end, Jesse and his band beat the squares, his gets Rita, and the school is exploded when Dr. Vadar crashes her car into the electrical room.

The film is full of many funny scenes, one of the best where Jones, Mag, and Namrok sneak apple juice into a drug test. They pour the apple juice into the cups, and then pretend to have "confused" their pee. They do a taste test of the "pee", much to the disgust of Vadar's guards.

Does the film equal the original? No, nothing can to be honest. Is the fact that a cool hip band is playing 1950's covers? No, but then again, the its actually some of the best music in the movie. Is the film a great guilty pleasure that will be perfect to pass the time? Yes. You won't be disappointed with Rock N Roll High School Forever. Just make sure the pluming works (must see film to get that joke)
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