The Help (2011)
Hollywood Plastic Dreck. Paging Divine
16 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a cast of hardworking actors, this dull sudsy goody two shoes comedy drama is shallow and plastic, with neither enough humor, drama nor interest to sustain its two hours of pretty images and one dimensional ninnies. At the core of the comedy is a scene out of Pink Flamingoes that takes center stage when a bitchy southern queen eats a chocolate pie from her maid that has more of her maid than chocolate pudding. UGH. Not my opinion of good taste, this film makes every white woman in the south a bitch and every black woman holier than thou. Where is Michele Bachman's opinion, now that we need her. Yeah, I can see Oscars lining up to the ceiling, but not for a dull script and a waste of two hours. Predictable and trivial. No disrespect to any maid, but this is just sentimental sanctimonious crap.
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