Æon Flux (2005)
Fashion show style over Sci-Fi substance
28 October 2011
Plot: In the not so distant future, 99% of the world's population was wiped out by a virus but an elite group of scientists created a cure and built the now only remaining city for the few survivals to live in. However an assassin hired by some rebels will try to stop the 400-year-old regime of the scientists' leader.

I won't bother you with how Aeon Flux started. If you want a comparison between the movie and the original animated series look elsewhere. What I will tell you though is that this movie is heavily flawed.

Why bother you say? Simple… while a very bad flick, it could actually be a new sci-fi classic due to the underlying plot. But a good plot on its own isn't enough, it must be well presented and Aeon Flux sucks at that. The first half of the movie is where the mystery starts to build. You'll see the world Aeon lives in, get to see various characters that revolve around the main plot and so on but then, after the mystery gets destroyed in a matter of minutes, (in a certain dialogue between the two protagonists), the movie turns into an action flick. Good? No. In fact both parts are pretty lame.

In the "mystery" half you'll spent 30 minutes of your life watching Aeon posing for the camera like a supermodel, doing ridiculous acrobatics and wearing thin scarves while she is sleeping, (with heavy makeup on of course). Then the movie gets an adrenaline shot and you start watching typical Hollywood action scenes. Boring, unoriginal and clichéd as hell.

Aeon Flux fails to keep the viewer interested. Its meaningless scene after meaningless scene, no matter if that's action or just plain dialogue. The characters are made from something even worse than cardboard and the actual plot takes place in only 10% of the film's time. As for the acting… please… don't ask!

The way I see it there are two kinds of Sci-Fi fans. The ones who want gritty, cynical and realistic films where everything has a reason for happening and the ones that prefer style over substance and Aeon Flux gives so much weight into style that it looks like these stupid fashion shows. Rectangular beds that shine light, strange avant-garde architecture, weird almost magical technology, 70's egg shaped furniture, pseudo futuristic, colourful clothing and the ENDLESS and RIDICULOUS posing from Charlize Theron, who walks, talks and generally behaves like a supermodel in a perfume ad.

FINAL VERDICT: If you call yourself a Sci-Fan don't spent a nickel in this garbage. (1/10)

[+] A good plot underneath all the garbage [+] Nice look

[-] Bad acting and 2D characters [-] Full of badly delivered clichés [-] Very slow pacing

Also Check: Blade Runner (1982) – Children Of Men (2006) – Dark City (1998) – Gatacca (1997)
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