Review of The Deep End

Kraft Suspense Theatre: The Deep End (1964)
Season 1, Episode 11
I know what I have to do Mister Sam! I have to do it Mister Sam!
31 October 2011
***SPOILERS*** It's when Lucile Benton, Ellen Burstyn, is found drowned in a lake on real estate Sam Kimber,Aldo Ray,property that her twin sister Barbara Sherwood, also played by Miss Burstyn, hires private investigator Dan Walsh, Clu Gulager, to check out the facts behind her sisters,who was an excellent swimmer, mysterious death. Posing as an insurance investigator Walsh uncovers a series of money manipulations on Kimber's part that leads him to suspect that he was involved in Lucile's murder; Not that she accidental drowned like everyone believes. One of the things that Walsh suspects Kimber of doing is hiding some $250,000.00 from the IRS that he was to share with his now deceased lover Lucile whom Walsh feels that he murdered. Welsh feels that Kimber murdered Lucile to keep her form ratting him out,in order to save her neck, to the IRS if the two ever happened to split or brake up.

As we, and Kimber, soon find out it was Sam Kimber's accountant Gus Hickman, Whit Bissell, who uncovered both Kimber and the late Lucile Benton's plan to hid the money which had him bodily thrown out of the office and fired on the spot by the outraged and gorilla like Sam Kimber. what Hickman didn't realize was that his finding out about what Kimber was doing would in the end, like it did Lucile, cost him his life.

***MAJOR SPOILERS*** It was non other then Kimber's loyal and private secretary the amazon-like and very athletic, she's a champion bowler and swimmer, Angie Powell played by Tina Louise who's got the hots for her boss and will do anything, even murder, to keep him all for herself. As in Hickman's case, whom she murdered, Angie would do anything to keep Kimber, whom she efficiently calls Mister Sam, from being exposed to the IRS in hiding the money from his construction company in order to keep it from being taxed. Even though Angie, whom everyone suspects is a lesbian, has no use for men and at the same time isn't interested in women either her attraction for the somewhat overweight and chubby looking Sam Kimber is a bit of a mystery to those of us watching. It's later, when she unsuccessfully tried to drown Dan Walsh, that the true reason comes out about her very very strange behavior.

Being a combination psychopath and religious fanatic Angie had taken upon herself to be her bosses guardian angle in not only keeping him from going to jail in his finagling around with company funds but his having anything to do with women,like both Lucile and Barbara, that she feels is inappropriate! It's that unnatural attitude that Angie has towards Kimber that in the end leads to her being exposed as the psycho that she is. And after being arrested in both Lucile Benton and Gus Hickman's murders Angie ends up landing herself in a padded,instead of jail, cell at a mental institution where in acting out her sick fantasies she can't hurt anyone! Not even herself!
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