A hapless love story
4 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Osmi has died and Kauko reminisces their hapless love story.A story that started when they were both kids.Jokin Ihmisessä is an Aarne Tarkas film from 1956.It's originally a 1944 novel by Mika Waltari, which I read before seeing the movie.The book is better, even though the movie isn't a total failure.Tarkas actually considered it as his favorite.The acting is something that works.Jussi Jurkka and Anneli Sauli are the right people for their parts.Leo Jokela plays Hanski, smuggler.Emmi Jurkka is Booze dealer.Sakari Jurkka, Jussi's actual brother, plays Kauko's brother.Juhani Kumpulainen is Osmi's escort.Mirjami Kuosmanen is Swedish woman.Leo Riuttu plays Osmi's husband.Pia Hattara plays her mother.Reino Valkama is Janitor.There are some working scenes in this film, like when Kauko stabs Osmi's escort.The movie's ending was considered immoral at the time and it had to be changed.Times certainly have changed since that.
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