Fast Romance (2011)
Cynically made, unself aware mess.
27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
All of the crew, including the director, work on DV filmed TV shows and so may have borrowed the equipment to make this film from down time on those shows.

As hard as I tried to like the film, the script and direction betrays an utter lack of knowledge of comedy on screen. Tom Urie should have been the star, something the trailers would have led you to believe he was incidentally, a kind of Scottish John Candy and he and the other actors should have been given freer reign to improvise then it could have been so much better.

All in all this seems to have been made with an eye on TV distribution and a yearning to multiply profit from the expat market.

A cynical exercise that is wholly unself aware and wouldn't know comedy of it kicked it up the jacksie.
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