Review of Heroína

Heroína (2005)
Drug pushers
4 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a true story, "Heroina" is a sort of documentary about the struggle of a small town in Galicia against the invasion of drugs in their midst and the strong people who felt they were above the law in getting the youth of the town hooked into the hard stuff. Most of the drugs were bought and sold in different watering holes in town where a party atmosphere spilled from these places into the streets, creating chaos among the citizenry.

This is also the story of Pilar, the mother of Fito, a young man that falls prey of the heroin that he shoots into his body. Like anyone afflicted with this problem, Fito must steal, even from his family, in order to satisfy his addiction. Pilar and her husband German find themselves impotent against what their son is doing to the family. In contrast, their other two sons could not be more normal. They look at their brother's erratic behavior and are appalled for what they see.

Pilar devices a plan in which, with the support of mothers in her same predicament, they decide to form a group to denounce the criminals that are making themselves rich out of the suffering of women like her and her neighbors. Their efforts are finally recognized, but not before Fito lands in jail for a five year term, something that devastate Pilar and her family.

Directed by Gerando Herrero, a successful producer who insists in taking the helm of some of his projects. One could advise him not to do so, leaving the artistic direction in someone else's more experienced hands, but being an influential man in the industry, every now and then he decides to take control of a movie such as this, without bringing much to it.

Angeles Gonzalez Sinde, the former minister of culture of Spain, is one of Mr. Herrero's frequent collaborators. Her screenplay for "Heroin" will not add anything to her curriculum. The film was shot on location in the Galician area where the incident occurred. Adrana Ozores is seen as Pilar. Not one of our favorite actresses, she tries to get into Pilar's skin without much success. Others in supporting roles include Javier Pereira, Carlos Blanco and others.
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