Play! Girls (1937)
My rating is actually 7.5/10
30 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Fun musical short. We start off with an act consisting of females doing acrobatics/dancing...very generic, but kinda fun. A character (a producer) is sick of seeing all the talent that is auditioning, and wants to get away from it all. He is invited to have dinner at the house that an employee is living at (actually the house of a relative of that employee). The wife of that employee decides to stage a little talent show when the producer arrives, consisting of the staff that work at the house. We see an all-female band (including a nice singing trio), followed by a fun novelty-dancing act consisting of two African-Americans, then a generic (but decent) female singer, and finally the wife herself does some tap-dancing while using a lasso! None of this is exactly ground-breaking, but it has a fun 1930s-flavor that is quite appealing. The short is public domain and should hopefully be on YouTube by the time you read this!
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