Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Silent Witness (1957)
Season 3, Episode 5
Teacher's Pet
12 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Trying to break off his hot and heavy affair with one of his sexy students Claudia Powell, Dolores Hart,English Professor Donald Mason, Don Taylor, tries to get her to see the situation that he's in if he drops his old lady-wife-Nancy played by Pat Hitchcock in order to marry her. It would mean both career suicide as well as disgrace among his colleagues in the field of higher education.

It's when Claudia, who's baby sitting next door at the Davidson house, threatens to expose his affair with her to Pat, who's away at the time, that Prof.Mason loses it. With a crazed and wild look in his eyes Mason attacks and strangles Claudia to death! It's later that Mason realized that the Davidson's 14 month old daughter saw him murder Claudia! And in his crazed and unbalanced mind Mason is sure that the child when she grows up can finger him in Claudia's murder! Where did Mason get this crazy idea from in the first place? From non other then the policeman in charge of the murder investigation Sgt.Waggoner, Harry Bellaver.

Not knowing what to do Mason starts to snoop around, like thief in the night, the Davidson residence in an effort to find out exactly what the Davidson's 14 month old daughter knows about the crime that she saw him commit. At one point Mason bakes into the house and is almost caught by the police when Mrs. Davidson, Mercedes Shirley, called them reporting a prowler. With both his conscience as well as fear of soon getting arrested working on him Mason finally does the right thing and turns himself over to the police to face the music in his killing of Claudia Powell.

***SPOILERS*** What convinced Mason that the 14 year old Davidson infant knows that he murdered Claudia was that she started to cry uncontrollably whenever he got near her! It's only later that we realize that the baby starts to cry whenever anyone but her mother came near her! Even her father Capt. Davidson, William Boyett, who was away all this time overseas since she was born!

P.S Ironically cast in this "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" episode are actors Don Taylor and Harry Bellaver. Both were in the movie as well as TV series "The Naked City"! Taylor in the 1948 film noir classic and Bellaver in the hit TV series of the late 1950's and early 60's and both played policemen!
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