Huge improvement over the first three movies!
27 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, when i heard they were doing a reboot, my thoughts were mixed. It could be one of those huge Hollywood flops, or it could be an improvement to the three movies. It took me some time to get used to the fact, and today i just went for it and watched it.

Many of my friends were critical against this movie, saying it would never work. However, being a huge fan of the spider-man comics AND the three first movies, i loved this reboot! It was a perfect start for a reboot i would say, and i hope we will be seeing more of Andrew Garfield as Spiderman in the future.

This movie was more well-thought of than the other three movies starring Toby Maguire as Spiderman. And i got completely sucked into it. I could not get my eyes off screen. And the CGI was beautifully made, it was very detailed and you can notice that the CGI was not left out.

I won't tell you much about this movie, you have to go see it yourself, then judge it by yourself. My thoughts were that this was an excellent improvement over the old Spider-Man movies. Of course, that's just my own opinion. But i say that it's worth the time and money to watch.

I have to say that there are some let downs in this movie that were in the first three movies though. I won't go into detail, watch it yourself and you will see what i mean.

And i love that they skipped Mary Jane and went for Gwen instead. Ugh, i don't know why, but i hate MJ.

Anyhow, my point is that this is a huge improvement and is a movie that you definitely should not miss, it's a really good movie.

There are some flaws in this movie, but yet i have not seen a movie that does not have any flaws. But i enjoyed it, i really got sucked in to the story and the way they told the characters stories. It was an amazing experience for me seeing the Spider Man series finally getting on good feet. Again, this is just MY OPINION, and i suggest you to watch it yourself and judge it. For me, it's an clear 8 out of 10!
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