Boring and...well, boring!
1 January 2013
First things first, I'm not against the fact that Peter Jackson and co. decided to stretch one book into three movies, after all it's the movie BUSINESS and it is of course and industry, so, no harm no foul.

The thing is, if you're into doing business at least try and deliver a good product, which is not the case with The Hobbit. Yes, technically the movie hasn't got many flaws, but, when it comes to the storytelling, you'll have a disappointing movie with a generic formula that actually repeats itself over and over again.

What do we have here? It will sound really familiar if you've seen The Lord of the Rings actually (and I have to say I love TLOTR trilogy), all characters aside, you have a Wizard convincing a Hobbit to go for an adventure, then a small group gathers, they all go on a quest...then they find orcs, thus they go to the Elf city to rest, then off they go to the mountains...more danger...then caves...more danger...then they watch as the horizon delivers a to be continued feeling...the end.

That's 3 hours of my life I'll never get back...it's boring, it's repetitive, and it's The Lord of the Rings with different characters, that's all.

I say go watch TLOTR again...one does not simply remakes that movie and calls it "The Hobbit" while not caring about the actual book at all...
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