Black Saddle: Burden of Guilt (1960)
Season 2, Episode 19
Lots of twists and turns in this one
21 January 2013
Before he dies, an old man, Samuel Gould, admits that he knows beyond a shadow of doubt that Morgan Ames did not kill a man ten years ago, but he will not name the person who did.

There are a lot of twists and turns in this episode that I don't want to revel, so I cannot say too much in this episode. I will say, however, that the original killing had nothing to do what what Clayt later expected, but a recent killing had everything to do. Confused yet? Like I said, you just have to watch this episode. It will keep you guessing (okay, maybe not guessing but trying to figure out how it's revealed). I knew one was guilty, but then I thought the other was guilty. By the end, you figure out that I was right...

Clayt and the Marshal actually get along in this episode. Though there was opportunity to do so, Marshal Scott did not throw any verbal darts at Clayt.
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