Warm Bodies (2013)
Could have been a great satire!
6 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies which sadly is a feature-length version of its trailer with little more to offer. During the entire movie I kept waiting for the story world to crumble into satire, because I was in disbelief that someone would make a zombie version of Twilight, let alone one this messy. In Warm Bodies (as explained in the trailer) love literally conquers all. R goes for days without eating because of: love. R becomes living again because of: love. R transfers his love/revitalizing powers via...telekinesis(?) to the rest of the zombies because of....love. What kind of love can have that kind of power? Good 'ol American love: he sees a blonde-haired blue-eyed teenager firing a gun and that's it, baby. No one needs to tell the girl what Stockholm Syndrome is, because that would ruin the magic that is their romance.

Don't get me wrong, there were definitely a few laughs here and there but I just kept waiting for that moment where the fourth wall would be shattered! Having at least a little meta content would have been great, adding a tiny bit of intelligence to it all. 2/10
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