Best B Movie I ever watched. A reverse (female) version of The Great Gatsby
10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Today, I finally saw the entire movie. I am now able to adequately write as well as defend my critique of the film. The plot seems straight forward, poor bad girl gets kicked out of many cities, goes to Hawaii to start fresh, but on the way meets a nice guy on board a ship where they are the only civilians. He accepts her as a poor girl with bad luck who wants to start anew. They both have physical and emotional "hots" for each other ala a shipboard romance. He actually verbally cut her up when they first met but he as a gentleman apologizes and she accepts. While he is not "joe average and has some money he lends her $100 to get her off on the right foot in Hawaii. She wants to make a million, and tells him how she will do it. She (after a few months) returns the 100 and the rekindle the "hots" again physical and emotional for each other. Even his current girl friend (Sweet Polly Purebred) understands and sort of makes way for the Tramp with a heart of gold. He wants her to quit after war breaks out and he is sent to the front. But her boss basically tells her actually convinces her not to as he is just like all men and will not come back and marry her. Of course her boss is the villain in this piece, and as the viewer you are begging Russell not to listen to her anti-man only pro money comments. she gets financially lucky because of the war plus her inner drive and makes a fortune. It is sad she misleads and still works at a 40's version of a strip/lap dance establishment as she really has the "hots for him" and other than her working (pin up photos) she remains faithful to him. I saw the scene where she got slapped by an officer who wants to bed her but she keeps her faithfulness Then Egan as Joe Average comes back to Hawaii confronts her and really wants to lace into her, but his being a nice guy who is sensitive to her both as a person and business woman only believes that money will clean her rep. Yes he does believe her that sexually she has been faithful. He tells her while he loves her but because of her love of money it would not work out. She cries her eyes out and gives away her money and goes back to the "sticks" (ie Mississippi)

She walks away and greets her next guest but you know she would chuck it all for him. So she goes back to the mainland gets escorted politely out of town by the "bulls" and tells the "bulls" she gave up a fortune in Hawaii . Of course the "coppers" laugh but we know better and cry as she heads back to her little home town in MIssissippi. Jane Russel was the most attractive woman to ever grace the silver screen. Saw her as a kid on daytime television promoting Playtex Living Bra's and then I looked her up in the Readers Guide and Encyclopedias at the Public Library. Guess she ruined me from getting married as I only wanted a woman of her beauty
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