Overall a meh but still pretty funny
22 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just say this has the WORST CGI. so if your a big fan of the effects then give it a miss, or if you really want specific detail that all adds up you also are not likely to like this. But i guess you get what you want out of it, its a film called big ass spider so yeah. Overall though this is pretty funny and for a low budget film with many having their first time acting id say this is pretty great. This isn't a real spoiler so ill just say it, its a film about a spider growing (i think) each time it kills and it turns out to be an alien spider thing. Its pretty wired but you'll have a laugh and good time from it id say rent it watch it then forget about it. Its a film you shoudnt go out your way to see but if you see it some where it is worth watching for a laugh. hope this helped
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