Good special effects, decent gore, but overall a pretty boring movie
23 November 2013
According to one of the covers for this movie, legendary gore director H.G. Lewis praised Ozone director Matt Devlin, saying he was "one of the brightest young lights in the world of exploitation films" and that Mr. Lewis is "following his career with much anticipation". Now, for all I know that could have been an excerpt from a not-so-enthusiastic criticism, It could have been altered from what Mr. Lewis actually said, or it could just be complete bulls**t. But assuming it's not, I find it amusing that the same man who trashed Tim Ritter's Killing Spree live on his radio show could have possibly praised something like this.

The make-up on the actual redneck mutants looks great, and so does the gore, unfortunately the gore is way too sparse. There is a lot of vomit of various colors, but the gore (what we actually came to see) sure takes it's sweet time.

Sometimes SOV movies with a disappointing amount of gore can be saved by a certain so-bad-it's-good factor (see my review of Andrew Jordan's Things), but this doesn't have that either. There are too many dragged-out scenes with nothing happening. There are some parts that are amusing (the chicken chasing scene comes to mind), but again, these scenes are way too sparse.

Bottom Line: Great make-up effects + decent gore + some enjoyable moments + many boring moments = a mediocre homemade splatter movie.

Highlights include the very first scene in the movie, the aforementioned chicken chasing scene, a hilariously nonsensical stand-up act at a bar, and a gut-munching scene towards the end.

5 out of 10 (and I think that's being a bit generous)
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