All about the filmmaker
27 December 2013
This film should have come with a prominent warning label. It is more about the unintelligible filmmaker than about Chomsky. It ignores Chomsky's fascinating political persona, other than to allow him to briefly mention that he was in jail several times, without elaboration.

Very little of Chomsky comes through, since about 98% of the visuals are animations and hard-to-read hand scrawled subtitles, and the interviewer/filmmaker, who talks a lot, has an cripplingly heavy French accent and badly mispronounces many words to the extent that they can't be comprehended at all. What immense irony -- a film about linguistics made by someone who can't use the language properly, yet insists on putting himself front-and-center, both verbally and visually.

Chomsky, one of the towering intellectual giants and political philosophers of our time, deserves much better than this.
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