Such a Disgrace...
3 February 2014

When i watched this "movie" i was around 17 y/o. I remember when i saw the trailer i was super excited about this movie. I was jumping around my house in excitement. In my head i just thought that it's gonna be great to see my favorite cartoon getting a live action adaptation on the big screen. Then i went and watch the movie in the theater.....with 3D!! And what do i get??

Such a poor, poor adaptation..Horrible plot line, cringe-worthy acting, poor action sequence. One of the main reason why it has become such a poor adaptation was because they tried to cram 20 episodes into a 2-hour movie. It just seemed so rushed. No character development was shown. But hey, that's just the tip of the iceberg. The acting on the other hand was something else. I'm not sure if it's awkward or embarrassing but it was really bad. I just cringed throughout the whole movie.

Oh yeah, when you heard the name Zhao, or Zuko, what kind of people would you think of?? NOT Indian right?? I'm not trying to be racist, but really?? they couldn't find any Chinese or Korean or even Japanese actor to portray the Fire Nation??I understand that they want to keep it diversed, but c'mon!! I remember when i'm about to watch this movie in my head i was just thinking, "please don't be like Dragonball Evolution, please don't be like Dragonball Evolution.." Well, apparently it was on the same level. And don't even bother about the 3D use. If anything it's just making it worse. When i saw it, the only thing that is 3D is the subtitles. Such a waste of money.

Piece of advice, if you love the cartoon series please avoid this so called "movie". As for right now, I hate you M. Night Shyamalan..I really, really do...
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