Pulp Fiction (1994)
One of the best movies ever made! Little things made that.
13 February 2014
When i first time saw Pulp Fiction i was amazed - how people could think that this is one of the best movies ever made. Of course nonlinear storyline, smart and specific dialogues and Samuel L. Jackson great acted character Jules Vinnfield was something that get my attention and i even thought: "This movie is really good." But that wasn't what critics said. Critics said: "This movie is excellent!" After some time i watched this movie again and i started to see some details that i had missed first time. Then i watched this movie third time, then fourth, fifth. And then i realize - those critics were right. This is one of the best movies ever made! Little things made that. You know, i don't talk about twisted plot or storyline itself. Just listen to conversations! What Mia told to Vincent before she goes to toilet, where she sniffs some cocaine? "I'm gonna go to bathroom to powder my nose." It's simple, but brilliant. Another example - before Vincent accidentally shoots in the face they informant Marvin, "You think that God came down from heaven and stopped..." (gun shot), he didn't even finished that question about that situation which Jules is so infatuated before Marvin is just another dead body. And these lines isn't most well known from this movie, the whole movie is full of mind tricks and "wordplay in Tarantino way". Every word in dialogues means something, even if it doesn't make sense. To say true it's only make sense for us - movie fans, but that's the point. Tarantino wouldn't made this movie, if it would be only for him. No, he wants to share his amazing mind, unique humor and deep thoughts with us. I am not really sure, if this is best movie ever made. I'm not sure even if this is best Tarantino's work or best crime movie in general, but this movie always will make you think, you always go inside characters brains in those tricky situations and you always be surprised, no matter how many times before you have watched it. If you are real movie fan and have mind and emotions, you cannot dislike this movie. The only problem - Tarantino sometimes is too smart for you!

I hope you liked my review. This is my first serious movie review, but hopefully not the last. And sorry, if my English isn't perfect!
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