The Real Story: The Amityville Horror (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5
Strong Episode
16 March 2014
The Real Story: The Amityville Horror (2009)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Highly entertaining episode in "The Real Story" series takes a look at the film THE AMITYVILLE HORROR and tries to get the to the truth of what really happened. The documentary takes a look at the DeFeo family, the Lutz family hauntings and the aftermath of the event including the book and movie. I was really surprised to see how effective this documentary was and I will say it's perhaps the best thing ever connected to Amityville. There are some nice interviews scattered throughout including a man who was friends with the DeFeo family. There are also interviews with the reporter who originally covered the haunting and we also here from the now legendary Lorraine Warren who talks about the hell she felt inside the house. There are also skeptics who discuss why they feel the entire thing was fake and done so that the Lutz family could make some money. Not to mention the fact that there was never another haunting in the house after the Lutz family moved out. If you're interested in the subject then you'll certainly want to check this out.
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