Time Warrior (2012)
The Rules of War are About to Change
23 April 2014
Who couldn't relate to a popular video game turning a teenager into the ultimate time traveler weapon of war? It's a great premise for all of us sci fi nerds (even the ones who have passed their teenage years). I considered going into video game design when I was younger but that's another story. The movie had a lot of suspense and action and I loved that it didn't spoon feed you like so many other movies these days. It was fun discussing it with my buddies afterward. Seeing how something that was so obvious to me was lost on them. Anyway, it's always fun to escape from everyday life for an hour or two and imagine ourselves dressing in a bad a suit of armor and going to war. I swear if some shady dude tried to sell me a pirated copy of a video game, I might be tempted to do it!
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