Really Really Bad
22 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I clicked the "SPOILER" but trust me, this thing stunk so bad, it's already spoiled. But if you happen to be a masochist and want to punish yourself with a really bad movie, have at it, AND DON'T READ ANY FARTHER!!!!

I watched this on TV and was wishing I would have rented it so I could FWD through the slow parts, which was the entire movie. So much disconnected, drawn out junk, I thought I was watching a mystery. The flashback shooting in the beginning had no meaning, until the movie was almost over. I still don't know what the guy on the hill taking a pot shot at Randy was about. Garry Marshall and the store bit was in there for what?? I got the plot, I just couldn't understand why it took so long to get there.

I guess if you're standing in front of a camera and speaking lines from a script, technically, it is acting but it doesn't make you an actor. I'm sure everyone will recognize the 3 bona-fide actors, and then there is,, everyone else. I didn't think anything could be worse than Randy Travis singing,, I was wrong. And with a head twice the size of a normal human, it makes his "acting" appear twice as bad. The little kid and Ernie Borgnine's two sons were so bad, they must be related to Randy. In fact, I think the entire cast and crew were related.

Randy falls from his horse and 3 seconds later the kid looks at his holster and knows it's Jack Cole?? He's spent 8 years not wanting to be Jack Cole and what,, he got Jack Cole engraved on his holster?? Oh,,, and a holster that looks like it just came out of the showroom window?? He almost bleeds to death from a scratch on his deltoid?? Randy, the wife and kid are in the garden, Randy and the wife go to the barn,, and somehow the kid beats them to the hay loft; how does that happen?? The baddest man in the world,, killed countless innocents and a 12 year old boy but lets the hostage wife ride off on his horse?? She rides off, finds Randy, but rather then continue to look for the boy or ride back to the house, they camp out in the woods?? Ernie and the 2 sons rescue the boy, and he gets back home how?? If Ernie took him home, he never thought to look in the house, to see if the owner of the 2 foot lock of hair was OK?? And for the first time in movie history, Eric, a cowboy sheriff, is riding a white Arabian,, with a bareback saddle?? One of Ernie's sons is riding a white horse with a bareback saddle,, possibly the same Arabian?? Randy gives the rifle to the wife and enters,, unarmed, a house where the baddest man alive is?? The last straw was, Ernie's two boys, who couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a handful of rice, put 4 into the chest of the bad guy, nice as you please, only after Ernie takes one in the pumper?? Maybe the first 8 or 10 were sight adjusters?? Too bad for Ernie.

It says the budget was $3.5 million. A good cowboy movie must cost billions...
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