Painfully dated and affected...some people will love it, most will not...
27 October 2014
Make Mine Mink (1960)

This has such an affected style—even in British terms, with an extreme use of accents and affectations, it seems to me—it's tiring. It's a comedy, so this is the worst of offences. Is it funny—I suppose so. In fact, I bet that some people absolutely die watching this. But I tried three times and found the style so forced and, well, stupid, that I never liked it.

But is it funny? Yes, in a madcap way. But it's not really funny lines or clever comments, plays on words and whatnot. It's more the way things are delivered that matters, and that is largely a matter of whether you can adopt the style of speaking here or not. The plot, if you can call it quite a plot, is a matter of some bumbling blokes and gals who have decided to commit a crime. They get away with it, sort of, but are out of sorts and perplexed by the situation they are now in—the guilty!

In all this is a parlor room story, a play adapted to the stage. So it's constrained from the get-go. My advice is simple—give it ten minutes. If you like it, and can stand the unbearable lead male (Terry-Thomas), you might make it to the end. If not, run, and fast!
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