Moving into the attack.
16 November 2014
Ralph Habib's last effort (he was to die three years later);the very kind of movie which combines business (we've got a movie to make!)with pleasure (Spain is a very nice place to be).

Like so many drudges in the sixties,Habib jumped on the bandwagon and tried his hand at a James Bondesque movie."The lone one" is a French secret agent (Roger Hanin) .There's a "M" -gone when he's needed-,a Moneypenny called Brigitte who retrieves the situation (in a scene obviously borrowed from "Goldfinger" ),a Felix Leiter (portrayed by a cast against type Jean Lefèvre)and several "Lone one girls":one of them is a fair-haired girl,Sophie Agacinski ,who resembles pop singer Sylvie Vartan and who was famous in 1965 for her "Seule A Paris" miniseries.

As for the plot,it deals with a deadly weapon which is stolen and is to be sold to the baddies ;this screenplay is terribly mediocre.

A comic relief borrowed from Astérix :now and then,a couple of tourists mumbles something like "they're crazy,those Spanish".
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