Wild (I) (2014)
A great mix of beauty, pain, courage, fear and something all of us struggle with, forgiveness.
3 December 2014
I'll admit … this movie is much better than expected. The trailer turned me off a bit — it seemed like a long, boring movie that would bring me back to 127 Hours again. No thank you.

I was pleasantly surprised. Yes… this is a story about one woman's journey across our amazing country. It is also a story about the people around her — the people she interacts with for minutes, months and milestones. It's not merely a woman walking for two hours on the screen … it's a great mix of beauty, pain, courage, fear and something all of us struggle with, forgiveness.

While I was suspect of the movie, I was not worried about Reese Witherspoon giving us a great performance. First of all — how it is possible this woman looks great in EVERYTHING!?!? As Elle Woods in Legally Blonde she wore pink to perfection. In Walk the Line she pulled off classic country in a way that even Dolly would have to say is pretty fabulous. And as Cheryl Strayed I left the theatre feeling like I needed to run to REI and pick up a pair of hiking boots and gray socks! Folks are debating online if she is one of America's sweethearts … in my opinion … she defines it. You can't help but like her. And if you aren't a Reese fan, check out Wild just to see her in this anti-Elle Woods role. I believe you will gain some respect for her.

Over the last 24 hours I was wondering if I would recommend this as a movie for you to pick when it's your turn. Yes. It's a great movie. Yes. Men can handle it (though I'm sure they will whine as you drag them there). Yes. You'll walk away with your heart tugged and perhaps a tear or two. So yes … I do recommend Wild if it is your turn to pick. If you love someone, lost someone, are searching for someone — there is a strong chance this movie will unexpectedly strike that chord. Why? Because Wild does a wonderful job sharing a life story all of us can relate to in someway. This isn't a Hollywood blockbuster script — it's a script about everyday life that always isn't pretty. The guy doesn't always get the girl. The dreams don't always come true. Answers aren't just straight ahead. All of us have a Wild story in our life … spending two hours watching Cheryl share hers is well worth your time and money.
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