Mushi-Shi (2005–2014)
Boring you say ?,
3 January 2015
I find Mushishi NOT to be boring but i view it as the MOST boring anime(but not sure if manga) ever. The sheer commitment to no service of any kind to the reader/viewer has to be admired ! There is only deep storytelling and the beauty of nature nothing more. The mangaka had a vision to tell and did't care about the reader one bit. Ether you get on the slowest train if all or you go home. A friend of mine i now forced to watch the series described it as gently walking through a forest. I couldn't describe it better. 10/10 and the best Mono no aware of all. The new Mushishi volume is identical to the two sisters episode 11 and 12(or special if you like) from season 2 by the way.
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