Embarrassed to admit I watched this.
3 March 2015
A close friend of mine enjoyed the books and really wanted to see this movie. I wasn't so thrilled since the same friend talked me into reading the first novel in the series about 8 months back and I felt it was an immature, poorly edited book. (If one can even consider Twilight fan-fic a real novel..)

Needless to say I had very low expectations going into this film, and my expectations were mostly correct. There were a few nice set pieces, and a couple of moments where the filmmakers obviously tried to rise above their source material. That's the only reason I'm giving this 2 stars instead of 1..

Aside from a few OK scenes though, this movie is mostly awful.. There was NO chemistry between the two leads IMO. And for a movie whose subject matter is based almost entirely around S&M, there was extremely little to be found here. I did not expect the film to be a pornography, but considering the book reads like grocery store soft-core, I was surprised that the movie was so tame. It was boring really, almost painfully so.

If you must watch this movie, wait til it hits DVD or on-demand, don't waste theater ticket money to watch it...
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