Old Cartoon, Fresh As The Morning Newspaper Today
21 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
MUCH LIKE ALL of the other GOOFY Cartoons of the period, this one really hits the target. Anyone who has had the temerity to call himself heavyset, husky/stocky or (our personnel favourite) "big boned" as euphemisms for their own overweight condition, will surely see more than just a little bit of himself in this cartoon.

WE BELIEVE THAT so much of the success of one reeler cartoon shorts like this one is due to Director Jack Kinney. Having screened so many of these Disney theatricals lately, we seem to have been able to isolate and instantly identify one of his pictures by his distinctive style.

OUR STORY: THE Picture opens up with Goofy's raiding the old ice box; embarking on a culinary marathon of binging on whatever tidbits of leftovers that can be procured at that time. True to real life, Goofy dispatches those various items with post haste, breakneck velocity. In short, he's become a rapid-fire eating machine.

EMPLOYED AS THE central dramatic device of the story is the gimmick of having Goofy's conscience addressing his gargantuan gourmet weaknesses through the implementation of an independent minded reflection in his bedroom's vanity mirror. It this inner alter-ego who finally dares to unveil that Goofy does indeed have a problem with his excessive weight. As we all know, the first step in solving a problem is recognizing that one exists.

THIS SOLITARY CONFINEMENT action is followed with a litany of gags involving many different characters' daring to call Goofy that one word that no obesitarian* wants to hear. That would be referring to our hapless hero as "Fat" by given name.

WE MUST CONFESS that we saw more than a little bit of our self on the screen in this one. Although this both has been and is a touchy and highly sensitive area for this writer, we found that the humor generated in this by Mr. Disney, Jack Kinney and their production team helped to bring about a newfound determination to address the situation and get our own personal "borders" under control.

BUT WE UNDERSTAND if you don't think that we'll start on a program; let alone succeed. As a matter of fact we could just hear what you'd probably be saying right about now.

IT'D GO SOMETHING like: "Fat Chance, Ryan!"

NOTE: * We just made that one up! We're lobbying to get this one into the dictionary this year!
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