Lots of blood, not much of a plot; I enjoyed it, don't know about others
2 June 2015
Firstly, I have to say that I had a great time watching this movie but that's probably because I love those kinds of movies. The Redwood Massacre is a (really) low budget film with lots and lots of blood and features a serial killer hunting down a group of campers. Its plot is just that simple.

Lets start with the good points of the film, and at this point I have to say that I just loved the scenery shown in the movie as well as the inside of the Redwood house. They were really great and the costumes were well-made too. I also liked the variety of the murder scenes and the variety of weapons-tools the killer used. There was a lot action and killings throughout the film so in that aspect you won't easily get bored.

On the other hand, The Redwood Massacre has lots of flaws too. Most of the cast are doing a mediocre job at best but that can't be helped because of the low budget. I enjoyed the death scenes a lot but some of them weren't that well-thought and they really overdid it with the blood. So even though the death scenes are visually enjoyable and bloody(if you like that style) some of them seem unnatural. Also, the quality of the movie drastically drops after the one hour mark. The last 30 minutes of the movie are nowhere as good as the rest of it. Last but not least, in this movie you will find one of the most unnecessary and stupid side-characters found in a movie ever(I won't spoil details so just watch it and see for yourself).

I will give this movie a 6 because I myself liked it and as an appreciation of the effort made in a low budget movie but an objective review would be lower.My advice; watch it if you like bloody slashers but don't expect much of a plot or something "new" or avoid it if you prefer more serious horror films, you won't find that here.
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