Blake Edwards' imitation of Guys and Dolls.
17 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Blake Edwards directs his screenplay and story, which seems to be a small homage to Guys and Dolls. This is his second movie as director and his star is crooner Frankie Laine. What appears to be a musical actually is not. Rosemary 'Rosie' Lebeau(Lucy Marlow)inherits her gangster husband's nightclub. A chorus girl in the 1920's having a nightclub dumped in her lap can cause much concern. Rosie will become even more attractable to her dead husband's friends...and enemies. This all doesn't sit well with her policeman boyfriend Jimmy(Richard Long). Also concerned for her welfare is Gino(Laine), the rough-but-attractable club's manager and singer. In spite of business squabbles, it doesn't tale long for him to secretly fall in love with his new boss.

This film can be fun and spirited with the story line told in flashbacks, narrated by Laine, who also croons "Danny Boy" and "Save Your Sorrows For Tomorrow". Also in the cast: Anthony Dexter, Alan Reed, Richard Benedict, Jessie White, Alan Reed, Henry Slate and Barrie Chase.
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