Spider-Man: Revolt in the Fifth Dimension (1970)
Season 3, Episode 10
Spider-Man does acid. Really.
27 June 2015
There's a point in this episode where a tiny alien gives Spidey a tiny red pill, and he puts it in his little ring-case, and immediately "enters the 5th dimension," a sequence so unbelievably trippy it really, really has to be seen. It's like End of Eva with Spider-quippin'.

If you watch it that way, it makes a lot of sense. Spider-Man literally goes through euphoric then terrifying stages of an ever- shifting universe of colors and otherworldly sights. I don't want to spoil anything, but when he comes out of the vision after being "sucked into the carpet," he's exactly where he was in the real world, in mid- fall off a building.

I... really really understand why this was the only Spider-Man 1968 episode never to be aired. I also really think it's worth a watch, because you'll never see anything else quite like it.
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