Bad hosting; Don't I wish I had spoilers...
13 July 2015
The web series is off to a very slow start. In episode one, there's many slow minutes of rolling credits, with no story development at all. The pseudo-German accent in the trailer and episode one does not intrigue me; It's just hard to understand. I work with real Germans, and they sound like the BBC, except that they say "d" for "th". There's a bunch of unexplained vignettes that don't go anywhere or mean anything. Some are in artistic low-contrast B&W with saturated contrast that might work better if it weren't hosted so badly. The characters are interesting, but we have so little screen time with them that I'm not sure why the producers bothered.

I tried to watch episode 2. After ten minutes, I've seen less than 10 seconds of it, and what I saw is the worst sort of jerky, four- frame-per-second near-video. This is outrageous, because Netflix, YouTube and Hulu Plus all work fine at my site on the same computers and ROKU (yes, I tried to watch it on several systems, including one with wired Ethernet); I don't think it's on my end. In this case, the story, cinema, sound, etc. looks OK (from what I can see in ten seconds!), but the mechanics of delivering it is terrible.

That said, I saw the presentation at Westercon (the Western Regional science-fiction convention), and I was intrigued enough to try to watch it.

You mileage may vary, but it's not worth my time unless it shows up somewhere else.
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