Keeping Rosy (2014)
In security
24 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Maxine Peake is a go getting but brittle career woman who is severely put out when she is passed over a promotion. When she goes back to her flat she takes her frustrations out on her Polish cleaner and accidentally kills her with her champagne bottle but then discovers the cleaning lady's baby in the car.

As she tries to cover her tracks and get rid of the body she realises that she might had got caught on CCTV. This is when a slimy security guard enters her life demanding money from her with menace.

This is a doom laden film with plenty of London Docklands location shooting, many unlikeable characters, little plausibility and plot contrivances. This low budget movie comes across more as a gritty television film.

Peake mellows as she cares for the baby and becomes attached to it and in the end she will do anything to keep the baby safe.
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