Thumbs up...
18 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
...assuming any are still available. This tasty little short was created in my neck of the woods, and what a fine little piece it is. Writer/lead actor/exec. producer Michael Peake proves himself a talent to keep an eye on, and honestly, all involved in this lo-fi O. Henry- ish tale should be extremely proud of what they've accomplished. Sound, editing, camera-work; everything is of a kind. Most of all, "A Handful of Pennies" sports a tight little script, the linchpin of any quality film.

Perhaps I'm just a sucker for such an aptly-titled piece, but I'll be looking forward to tracking down the rest of Mr. Peake's work. You can find this on Vimeo, along with more of Peake's output.

If only more indie productions could achieve so much for so little.
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