Review of Bull

Bull (2015)
Quite Good!
21 October 2015
I have seen quite a few varied comments on this comedy (which starts tonight) I find it interesting how people can make any assumptions or JUDGEMENTS when it's not even been screened yet??! interesting that one! Or maybe people are just constantly sour/gloomy or just plain, 'want their voices to be heard'

What I like about the this type of comedy, is that it's simple, by that I mean, quite zany, which is, unconventional, outlandish and a bit quirky! Comedies like 'Fawlty Towers' was quite ridiculous, but if you get it, you're intelligent! and TRULY love comedies! If you don't? then you should just stick to stuff like you reality TV crap or anything else brain damaging!

I for one, know I am going to LOVE and understand it! Bring on the BULL
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