Review of Ghostline

Ghostline (2015)
Not a bad ghost story marred by horrible acting
19 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My quick rating 4,6/10. Surprisingly not a bad idea for a film. Was very similar to the movie "The Caller" but that aside, the idea of the dead reaching out and phoning home is interesting enough. I guess I just pointed out the general idea but I will elaborate. A woman is killed and calls the house of the previous boyfriend trying to talk to him but gets the new owner. She refuses to stop calling and believe that it isn't the same person. This leads to all the mystery of the calls and obviously takes a supernatural turn. Enough plot, suffice it to say, it was entertaining enough of the whys and who is stuff, just nothing that is going to surprise you. But I will warn you, the acting is awful. Not only that but the couple that is being harassed are basically stupid. Adds some humor though. Good cable flick to catch.
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