Not So Great After All
30 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I'm a big DBZ fan, part of my childhood. Before I saw this film, judging by the rating I had in mind that what I would see will be a true masterpiece. Well, I was disappointed. This movie isn't bad, FYI, but it's not really good either. Now let me start with the good stuff: The animation is quite good, the story is kinda good and the action scenes are also kinda good. Now why I think this movie isn't really good: Average action, apparently Adolt Hitler is one the people who came back to life when the young boy turned into a giant monster, the people who came back from the dead except Hitler are zombies (I at least expected the zombies to look like real people), only a few action scenes (truly not what DBZ is all about), when the kids turn into super saiyan at one point when they fight Hitler the animation style suddenly changes, some other things just seem weird in the film and overall a pretty weak film compared to other great DBZ films. My biggest issue is that I don't get why this movie got 8.2. It' nowhere near the 7 rating IMO, and definitely not one of the best DBZ films ever made, according to some reviews. Overall, a pretty entertaining films for DBZ fans, and I guess a good way to spend 50 min if you're really bored.
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