One Of The Worst Action Films Ever
20 November 2015
Let me start by saying that I didn't expect anything from this film, just that it won't (hopefully) suck. Guess what happened ? IT SUCKS !!! There was literally nothing exciting, thrilling or awesome about this film. When you get to the second half of the film, it looks looks like a Michael Bay film. IT'S THAT BAD !! Now let's the rant: The direction is bad, the script is horrific, the characters are really bad, every time there's action there's always a giant explosion, you couldn't care less about the characters, slow- motion sequences no one asked for, when you get to the second half there's so much action it actually becomes unbearable, stupid one- liners, awful romantic sub-plot, Christian Bale is seriously bad, two of the characters in this movie steal Arnold's two famous lines (Come with me if you want to live, I'll be back), awful shaky cam scenes, there isn't one scene you feel is interesting, there are many characters with missing background, Arnold is actually in this film (but only for the final 15 min of this piece of trash), (SPOILER ALERT) Arnold gets killed in the end, so many cheesy lines and lastly- a terrible ending.
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