Ghostline (2015)
Pretty good bad movie
26 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ghostline is a scary movie about the ghost of Blanka from the Street Fighter movie who takes revenge on his killer by prank calling his own house where 2 bad actors that had nothing to do with any of this now lives. Hilarity ensues as they get scared and decide to get help by 3 even worse actors. 2 who are pretending to be ghost hunters and 1 pretending to be an asshole.

I really enjoyed it. In the same way I loved The room or Troll 2...not as much but...almost. Everything is just wrong enough for it to get funny.

At one point in the movie they tell a private investigator something like: "We think something evil is living in our house" "You mean like a demon?!" ", more like a ghost!"

The delivery and writing of this line is what I expect from a "movie-movie" not an actual horror movie.

"I'm sorry I tried to shoot you in your sleep, I should probably leave now" "No, that's OK. I think you were possessed by the ghost of Ellen" "Spiritual possessions are common in many religions, including Christianity AND Buddhism. I learned that in Religious Studies!"

At first when the ghost hunters are in the house they're not finding anything. So the man goes "Turn the camera off, we're gonna try something different!". And they proceed to do the same thing in a different room.

When the killer hears the ghost in the same house this conversation happens. (btw the killer doesn't recognize his first victims house despite talking about how special his first kill was) "Is anyone else here?" "Maybe, why don't you go look around" "I think maybe I will, don't go anywhere!" Meanwhile the others are all tied to could they?

The "twist" made me giggle, but when the credits rolled and I heard the end I laughed my ass off.

You can't end a horror movie with a country(?) song about some dude who's coming to kill the listener... it makes it seem like the song was written and performed by the ghost telling the people in the movie he's gonna kill them.

Anyway. I can't NOT recommend it. It was fun. I don't think I'll see it again. But I'll make sure my friends check it out.
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