Review of Truth

Truth (I) (2015)
All the hallmarks of liberal filmaking
9 April 2016
This film demonstrates a clear political bias - which is fine.

However, when the political bias reworks history and throws in rather questionable assertions to conform to a typical (liberal) narrative, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that it badly taints the film.

Most liberal hallmarks were covered:

1) The film bends the facts and jumps to highly questionable conclusions, yet the title includes (or is) the word "Truth."

2) The view that Republicans effectively manage the mainstream media and can force out journalists they don't like.

3) Liberal-bias in media is ignored, downplayed or regarded as sensible people simply giving the facts and truth.

4) Facts and scenarios significantly undermining their retelling of history are simply ignored or sidestepped - like the full history of the source of the documents.

5) Liberals who paid a price for their own sloppiness or wilfull blindness are touted as crusaders of truth (or martyrs as some have said).

Performances were reasonably good and that's where I gave it marks.

But the distortion of history goes way past any reasonable sense of 'poetic license' and while I'm not American, I recall the events covered in the film and it's clear that the makers of the film hoped out memories had faded significantly.
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