Lots of Hype But Still Good
11 April 2016
It's easy to gloss over the awesome special effects in this film, and they're worth enjoying for themselves. But...every film needs a strong plot and human involvement and BvS suffers a little in that respect. For that reason, I'd rate it lower than the first Superman which to me was surprisingly strong in the arc and reach of its story.

I suspect it's down to having too much money available: "we've got a franchise now, throw all the CGI you can think of at 'em".

Ben Afflect would not have been my first or fifth choice as Batman but he is surprisingly good. I like Henry Clavill but his character's personality change since MoS is not really explained nor developed here. Neither is Batman's hatred of him. And what was all that early stuff about Batman being a baddie?, it led nowhere.

The new Wonder Woman is great and I was fine with Lex Luther (unlike some). I still prefer the DC films to those of Marvel but they need to get back on track with any follow-up. More story and less splashy money, Zack and Christopher.
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