Oh no they didn't
27 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Mickey Mouse in Vietnam" is a really short movie from almost 50 years ago and it features the world's most famous cartoon character (I guess) delivering an anti-war statement here. It was the days of Vietnam War and many were against the American involvement. This also includes Lee Savage and Dave Dixon. This duo came up with this work here and the entire thing only runs for roughly 70 seconds. Mickey decides to go to war, arrives in Vietnam in his uniform and is immediately killed. Oh no. The story or animation is almost entirely forgettable I would say. The only reason this one has some cinematic value is because it depicts the political climate of its time. That's really all there is to it. Interestingly enough Disney himself made many pro-War cartoons during World War II, even if these included mostly Donald and not Mickey. Not much to see here and I don't recommend it. Says a lot that Savage and Dixon did not manage successful careers in the film industry. Their work here is really more of a political statement than a movie. Thumbs down.
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