An exciting climax which is very cleverly handled
21 May 2016
An interesting picture of an Indian wooing opens this film. The young brave, Morning Plume, is accepted by Katana, daughter of a chief. Just before the marriage, Morning Plume is stricken with fever. A white medical doctor chances to be passing the camp on his way to the gold fields and cures him. Before he departs the girl's father also falls sick and the doctor cures him. In very interested, very Indian generosity, the chief decides to give his daughter to the white medicine man. This brings about an exciting climax which is very cleverly handled. The father of Morning Plume, by a crafty ruse, gets the other chief and his adherents out of the way, then frees the white medicine man from his predicament and lets Morning Plume marry Katana, as was just and right. It is a pretty and acceptable film. - The Moving Picture World, November 25, 1911
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