It had potential but...
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this movie 6 because of the great acting of the lead child actor playing Hanna/Angel.

Why I would put this at a 4 as a film is because of the sadism towards the child that makes for uncomfortable viewing; but it could just be me. I've never been one for the "torture" style form of horror that seem to be so popular like in the "Saw" series or the "Hostel" series. These films don't scare me,they just make me angry, especially when in most cases the victims waste time screaming and crying and less time fighting. I feel that when the antagonist is as physically human as you are, you fight! It's a given you're going to die so you go down making it hard on them and try to take them with you so they won't hurt anyone else, ever.

I would like to think there could never be parents this horrid, however sadly I've seen and read enough "True crime" to know this isn't the case. As much time as it take these parents to "pretend" to be great parent they could use it to actually become better parents to this child or give her up. But no, you get a sense they perv off mistreating this autistic child.

The abuse goes on too long in my opinion before things start to turn around. I suppose it would have been a 30 minute short film if they hadn't drawn it out because this is the crux of the matter. It's the sadistic abuse that draws the twin name "Angel" who committed suicide for the same reason her sister is now contemplating it to take over in hopes of making the parents pay. This is what the film is about. Period.

I don't know if this film would have worked in America with the way our Child Protective Services is. These days you sneeze too hard on your kid the kid call child services or tell a teacher and you have them beating on your door. Thank goodness her teacher saw things as they were. I wondered if her parents were trashy and poor would the school administrator been more convinced of Hanna's abuse regardless of what showed on the surface. You would think with one kid committing suicide so young, they would already be on the social service speed dial list to watch over the effects and possibility that being a "twin" she could be just as acceptable to that form of escapism even if it's over the loss of her sister.

I can honestly say I've seen much worse in the horror genre; so please give it a go, and form you own opinion. I yawned at least twice while watching it, so don't do so if you are tired or sleepy, unless you're looking for a slow pace film that you don't care if you fall asleep on but if you do, it's something you can finish later.
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