Deadpool (2016)
Two of the hottest actors of this era both with their own comic flair. LOVED THIS
3 July 2016
I'm so glad that Ryan and DC parted ways, though I liked GL, I loved Mr. Pool. I've been enamored of Morena Baccarin since I first saw her appear in Firefly, perhaps my favorite series ever, and perhaps the most beautiful, sweet and funny actress I've ever seen.

Before the movie even started, I knew it would be a favorite, if not the. Asshats aside, the opening was brilliant, previewing the fun to come in one of the most creative ways I've ever seen.

The interactions of the two stars were magical, and truly believable, and this ride took me through my full range of emotions, as most movies only dream they could do.

I knew NOTHING of Deadpool before seeing this, as I was a DC comic fan as a child, which may have been why I loved this movie so much... something new for a change. Marvel has blown DC completely out of the water since they started their new universe with the newest HULK in 2008 (X-Men was barely passable), well, until S v B, which I loved almost as much as this. Keep it up Marvel, and get to work on this sequel!
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