The Final Days...
21 August 2016
Not unlike CRUMB, DARK STAR: H.R. GIGER'S WORLD gives us a glimpse into the day-to-day life of a singular talent- and in what turned out to be his "final days," as it were. I've always wondered why filmmakers didn't make greater use of Giger. Imagine a train, designed by Giger, entering a tunnel also designed by him. Or cave sets connected by tunnels on an alien world that lead to... Gigerland Underground- the bowels of the planet itself. Of all the possibilities, the most intriguing to me would have been to see Room 101 from George Orwell's NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR designed by Giger: imagine the long walk down the corridor to THAT room, every step of the way looking like a hallway in his home. Brrr...
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