12 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Extraordinary life-affirming story of a woman who was creating innovative art even before others (ie., men) had joined her. Her recognition arrived decades later. While some are reluctant to acknowledge exactly why, others are willing to recognize that she was left in the shadows largely because she was a woman, and at least once because she was born in Cuba and the exhibition focused on "Americans." Despite these realities, Carmen Herrera is shown as a gracious person who has never flagged in her enthusiasm for work and her own growth. She has also had friends and advocates along her path. The film itself is artfully done, a gentle statement with a grace similar to Carmen's, and a lovely environmental context - merging images of modern New York, post-War Paris, and pre-Revolution Havana. Among the highlights for me is when Carmen explains her idea about why she cannot put into words what she is trying to express in her art - She says, If I could put it into words, I would not have to paint it - I would just tell you. I was captivated from the opening moments, and twice ignored my phone when it rang so as not to miss anything about this delightful story.
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