The Cheating Pact (2013 TV Movie)
17 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing this very good film, it is time to introduce finger printing at the time the college entrance exams are given.

The brain of the girls is convinced to take the important test for 2 gals and 1 guy. While she has high values, an ailing younger brother, in need of therapy and a father out of work, are the driving reasons that she does this. Of course, one of the threesome has harassed her for a long time.

Obviously, this can only lead to further trouble and of course it does. Whoever thought that murder of our Miss Intelligent would occur? To get even with the girl who harassed her, she took the exam and on purpose made sure to receive a low score. Of course, this led to her demise and at first, two of them attempt to frame the hesitant girl who went along with the scheme so as to boost her score and get into the college of her desire.

Kudos to the counselor who realized something was amiss when so-so students received top scores, previously higher from their first test taking. A big thumbs down to the school principal who tried to hush the whole thing up since one of the fathers of the boy was well known in town. Finally, naturally, we see the mother instinct in both of the mother of the girls fighting to clear their daughter and the ruthlessness that the mother of the guilty party would do to shield her guilty daughter of murder.
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