Review of Logan

Logan (2017)
Not the Wolverine movie I wanted to watch
3 March 2017
This is not strictly a superhero's movie. It's more a drama in the Sydney Lumet's Running on empty tradition mixed with a road movie (if you don't consider Running on empty a road movie itself). Obviously there are characters with superpowers or enhanced skills, cyborgs, adamantium claws and telepathic stuff but the action scenes just cover less than a third of the whole movie. Maybe is a more mature movie amid its genre than usual but I felt that it lacks a lot of entertainment. At least the kind of fun I expect from a superhero movie. I recognize the risk that the authors have assumed with this kind of story but I don't find it too original. I didn't like a lot the previous Mangold's Wolverine movie and I disliked Origins but to rank all three from best to worst; 1 The Wolverine, 2 Logan, 3 Origins. I think that they have missed a great opportunity with a really great character. I would have enjoyed much more a Bryan Synger's X Men movie style (but discarding Apocalypse) So Long Hugh Jackman's Wolverine
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